Ponte di Lorengo (Malonno) – Cedegolo

Ponte di Lorengo-Cedegolo (Lombardia – ITALIA)

Cable power lines

132/220/380 kV Dual three-phase line – Civil works and cable installation in the construction of the «Ponte di Lorengo (Malonno) – Cedegolo» route variant


Civil works and laying of cables for the construction of the section between the Lorengo Bridge in the Municipality of Malonno and the Forno power station in Berzo Demo. Deployed lines consist of the new underground 132 kV three-phase line no. 608 between the Edolo Primary Substation and Forno, the 220 kV three-phase line no. 202 between Cedegolo and Taio and the 132 kV three-phase line no. 606 between Forno and Cedegolo. These are to be laid in the Municipalities of Malonno, Berzo Demo and Paisco Loveno in the Province of Brescia.

The features of the three lines covered by this contract are:

  • 132 kV three-three-phase line no. 608 from the Lorengo Bridge to Forno (4.0 km)
  • 220 kV three-three-phase line no. 202 from the Lorengo Bridge to the Forno junction (km 3.5)
  • 132 kV three-three-phase line no. 606 from Forno to the Forno junction (km 0.6)

The contract is scheduled in two lots:

  • Lot “a” Lorengo – SP Vivione (2.4 km dual 132 kV and 220 kV three-phase lines)
  • Lot “b” SP Vivione – Forno (1.1 km of dual 132 kV and 220 kV three-phase lines and 0.6 km of dual 132 kV three-phase line)

The lines consist of a set of single core XLPE cables in trefoil arrangement. For the 132 kV line, the cables are in 1600 sq.mm aluminium, while the 220 kV line consists of a three-conductor set of single-core 1200 sq.mm XLPE copper cables.

In further detail, the main activities are thus divided between the two lots as follows:

a) Lot “a”: Lorengo – SP Vivione

  • Laying of cables for Line 202 from the GMC 25 splice joint (benchmark 0.00) at the Lorengo Bridge to GMS32
  • (benchmark 2406.00) near the River Allione.
  • cable-laying for Line 608 from splice joint GMC 19 (benchmark 0.00) at the Lorengo bridge to GMS26 (132 kV) (benchmark 2282.00).
  • All civil works from benchmark 0.00 to benchmark 2406 (220 kV) including GMS26 splice joint manholes with the exclusion of splice joint manhole GMS32 (220 kV).
  • Laying sewerage duct from benchmark 267 (220 kV) to benchmark 1030 (220 kV)
  • Laying of water mains piping from benchmark 1040 (220 kV) to benchmark 2340 (220 kV)
  • Crossing the River Oglio at the Lorengo Bridge
  • Crossing State Highway SS42 at the Lorengo Bridge
  • Crossing the Pontivo River at benchmark 160 (220 kV)
  • Crossing the Brescia-Edolo railway at benchmark 510 (220 kV)
  • Crossing the Passo Vivione Provincial Highway at benchmark 2300 (220 kV).

b) Lot “b”: Passo Vivione Provincial Highway – Forno

  • Laying of Line 202 cables from the GMS32 splice joint (benchmark 2406.00) near the Allione River to GMC35 (benchmark 3448.00) in the vicinity of the Forno junction.
  • Laying of Line 608 cables from the GMS26 splice joint (benchmark 2282.00) to Termination TES 31(benchmark 4031) at Forno Allione.
  • Laying of Line 606 cables from Forno Allione termination TES 0 (benchmark 00) to splice joint GMS1 (benchmark 690.00) near the Forno junction.
  • All civil works from benchmark 2406 (220 kV) to benchmark 3500 (220 kV) including site preparation for splice joints GMS32 (220 kV), GMC35 (220 kV) and GMS1 (132 kV), excluding GMS26 (132 kV).
  • All the EPS civil works in Forno, in particular the construction of the foundations as well as the supply and assembly of the termination supports in the Forno station.
  • Crossing of the River Allione at benchmark 2450 (220 kV).
  • Crossing of the Brescia-Edolo railway in the EPS section in Forno.

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